Personal Portfolio Projects

Samuel Ferguson


This non-profit organization asked for a logo redesign. They wanted a logo to help represent their desire to assist people with autism in getting an education. At their request, I incorporated the symbols for autism and education into one cohesive logo.

King of the


This is a fake company I created as a college project. The prompt was to create a supplement company, give the company a name, and create it in three different flavors.



Two different college classes required book covers for existing, well-known books. I read these books as a child and wanted to create my own covers of them. For Island of the Blue Dolphins, I was instructed to create it using collage digital methods but was given more freedom for The Chronicles of Narnia.



Kelebet reached out to me through a contact and asked me to design him a business card for his wedding photography business. His requests included a wedding ring in the foreground with mountains in the background.

Noble House


Noble House Construction was the first company to ask for specific re-designs and then incorporate print and use the designs as soon as we fine-tuned the changes. This meant the design not only needed to be corrected but also be sent over in printable designs.


Event Photography